Creative Trust Provisions for Your Children

father and child holding a small home model

Many parents and grandparents don’t realize how creative they can be in distributing their assets to their children upon their passing. They think it’s only for rich people and it’s an expensive process with high-powered attorneys. That’s certainly not the case…anybody can control their kids from the grave with unique trust provisions. You’ll love it. […]

Estate Planning for Your Pets

girl with a laptop on her lap and petting her little dog

The Trust creates a structure so that the money is bestowed to the Guardian of your pet in a proper manner with rules and guidelines

Do I Need a Living Trust?- What You Need to Know

old couple talking with a Real State professional

Millions of Americans die each year without any type of estate plan in place, and this forces their families into the court system, where they experience huge expenses with probate and significant time delays when they would rather be mourning.

How Many Properties Should I Put in My LLC?

aerial sight of a nice neighborhood

I truly believe that an LLC for every rental property isn’t needed for the far majority of real estate investors.  It’s expensive, cumbersome and provides nominal benefit when there’s not a lot of equity in their rentals….yet!!

The Power of the Charitable Remainder Trust

charity savings retirement saving jars

The CRT is a very powerful estate planning tool that may enable you to reduce your liability for income and estate taxes, protect your assets AND diversify your assets in a tax-advantaged manner.

How to write-off the cost of a Cruise?

a huge cruise ship docked

Many taxpayers may think a Cruise ship is a great place to have their next “annual company meeting” or attend a conference. They may also think they can take a tax write-off for some education. Don’t get your hopes up. Have you noticed there aren’t many conventions and courses offered on Cruise ships anymore? In […]

Does the Household Employee Tax Apply to Me and What to Do

housemaid holding a bucket with cleaning products inside

You may have thought the only time you may need to worry about the so-called “Nanny Tax” ( also known as the household employee tax) is if you decide to run for public office and facing a pesky reporter at a political rally. However, it’s a concern everyone needs to take seriously. If you have […]

Paying your Grandchildren in the Business

grandmother with 2 of her grandchildren

If completed properly, the end result is that you will accomplish 5 amazing financial benefits when your grandchildren legitimately work with their parents helping you in your business!

How to Pay Your Kids in Your Business

father and 2 sons with laptops

This has to be one of the most under utilized tax strategies by small business owners with families today. Many don’t realize that paying their children under age 18 is an excellent strategy to minimize their tax liability, not to mention it creates a host of other ancillary benefits.