Filing an Extension for my Business Taxes

maintain s-corporation

Many business owners don’t realize that they still may need to file a tax return even if the business didn’t make any money this past year. Filing is an Extension for your business doesn’t cost anything and it’s an easy way to avoid any penalties and give you additional time to file a more accurate […]

What to do If I can’t pay my Taxes

student seated leaning back resting his head with his hands in the back of his head

Are you wondering what to do If you can’t pay your taxes by October 16th this year? Do you feel like you don’t have any options, and all is lost? Are you considering not even filing your tax return at all? The worst thing a taxpayer can do: is to do nothing at all. Here […]

How to Maintain My S-Corporation

professionally dressed girl with a cup in her hand using a laptop

The S-Corporation can be a powerful structure and tool to save on self-employment taxes and can also protect a business owner’s personal assets from lawsuits that may arise from their operations.