Practical Checkbook Procedures for your Business to Succeed

practical checkbook procedures for your business to succeed

As we have been working through tax returns for clients this tax season, it’s alarming to see how many clients aren’t maintaining their checkbook properly, or not even having a separate checkbook at all for each of the companies they own and operate.

Is the Single Member LLC a Solution for Me?

beautifull girl watching on a laptop

Single-Member LLC’s have their place in the spectrum of business entity choices, and whether such an entity is right for you will depend on the details of your own personal situation.

How Many Properties Should I Put in My LLC?

aerial sight of a nice neighborhood

I truly believe that an LLC for every rental property isn’t needed for the far majority of real estate investors.  It’s expensive, cumbersome and provides nominal benefit when there’s not a lot of equity in their rentals….yet!!

Learn What Not to Do: The Ballad of Prince’s Estate

Prince's poster

Procrastination is easy – especially when it comes to something where the benefits won’t be apparent until you are either incapacitated or have passed away.  However, if you care about saving your loved ones thousands in legal fees, months of time, and a mountain of headaches and worries, then completing your estate plan is truly a caring act of charitable service that you should consider completing before it becomes everlastingly too late.

How to Protect My Residence from a Lawsuit

Client receiving the keys of his/her new house

For most of us, our home is one of our most valuable assets. It truly is our “castle”, but it can also be one of our most vulnerable assets. Here are 8 strategies that should considered in a well designed Asset Protection Plan.

The Difference Between Sub-Contractors and Employees

executive smiling at meeting

There are facts and circumstances most commonly used to determine the difference between an employee and sub-contractor. It’s a 3 part subjective analysis and some facts may indicate that a ‘worker’ is an employee, while other factors indicate that the worker is actually a sub-contractor.