Filing an Extension for my Business Taxes

maintain s-corporation

Many business owners don’t realize that they still may need to file a tax return even if the business didn’t make any money this past year. Filing is an Extension for your business doesn’t cost anything and it’s an easy way to avoid any penalties and give you additional time to file a more accurate […]

When to use an S-Corporation

woman in deep thought with a notebook in her hand and a pencil in the other

Don’t underestimate the power of the S Corp and get a second opinion if anyone says an S Corp isn’t the best fit.

Is the Single Member LLC a Solution for Me?

beautifull girl watching on a laptop

Single-Member LLC’s have their place in the spectrum of business entity choices, and whether such an entity is right for you will depend on the details of your own personal situation.

How Many Properties Should I Put in My LLC?

aerial sight of a nice neighborhood

I truly believe that an LLC for every rental property isn’t needed for the far majority of real estate investors.  It’s expensive, cumbersome and provides nominal benefit when there’s not a lot of equity in their rentals….yet!!

Where to Set-up my Corporation or LLC

3 people gathering on a small wooden table planning a calendar

Choosing the State in which to set-up your corporation or LLC is actually a very straightforward decision. Don’t let someone talk you into setting up your new entity in Nevada, Delaware, Wyoming or Utah…just to name a few.

What is a COPE for Asset Protection?

whas is a cope for asset protection?

A Charging Order Protection Entity (COPE) is a unique type of entity that can provide additional protection for the assets it holds from the owner’s personal liabilities. It is far more advanced and complex than the average LLC.