
Should I put My Spouse on Payroll?

couple walking holding hands towards the beach

Now although there are reasons not to put your spouse on payroll, I would argue there are two (2) GOOD REASONS to put a spouse on payroll before year-end. Both of these strategies create great excellent tax deductions and good use of money

Creative Trust Provisions for Your Children

father and child holding a small home model

Many parents and grandparents don’t realize how creative they can be in distributing their assets to their children upon their passing. They think it’s only for rich people and it’s an expensive process with high-powered attorneys. That’s certainly not the case…anybody can control their kids from the grave with unique trust provisions. You’ll love it. […]

How Short-Term Rentals are Taxed

pretty households

More and more real estate investors are adding ‘short-term rental’ properties to their portfolios and with a lot of success. However, many still have questions about where to place them in their tax and legal structure.

Learn What Not to Do: The Ballad of Prince’s Estate

Prince's poster

Procrastination is easy – especially when it comes to something where the benefits won’t be apparent until you are either incapacitated or have passed away.  However, if you care about saving your loved ones thousands in legal fees, months of time, and a mountain of headaches and worries, then completing your estate plan is truly a caring act of charitable service that you should consider completing before it becomes everlastingly too late.

Why Buy Your Parent’s Home and Rent it Back to Them

why buy your parent's home and rent it back to them

There are several ways to handle a parent’s home depending on their particular health or financial situation. At a bare minimum, your parents should have a Revocable Living Trust to ensure the orderly and effectively transfer of the home to the family and avoid probate in states where the expense is significant.