1099 Rules for Business Owners in 2024

form 1099

Businesses will now file Form 1099-NEC for each person in the course of the payor’s business to whom they paid at least $600 during the year. This payment would have been for services performed by a person or company who IS NOT the payor’s employee.

What to do If I can’t pay my Taxes

student seated leaning back resting his head with his hands in the back of his head

Are you wondering what to do If you can’t pay your taxes by October 16th this year? Do you feel like you don’t have any options, and all is lost? Are you considering not even filing your tax return at all? The worst thing a taxpayer can do: is to do nothing at all. Here […]

The Power of the Health Savings Account (“HSA”)

family talking with a nice female doctor

The Health Savings Account is one of the most powerful pieces of a well designed health care strategy. It includes saving money, saving taxes, building a tax-free ‘bucket’ for health care and most importantly taking control of your own health care strategy.

Should I put My Spouse on Payroll?

couple walking holding hands towards the beach

Now although there are reasons not to put your spouse on payroll, I would argue there are two (2) GOOD REASONS to put a spouse on payroll before year-end. Both of these strategies create great excellent tax deductions and good use of money

How Many Properties Should I Put in My LLC?

aerial sight of a nice neighborhood

I truly believe that an LLC for every rental property isn’t needed for the far majority of real estate investors.  It’s expensive, cumbersome and provides nominal benefit when there’s not a lot of equity in their rentals….yet!!

Does the Household Employee Tax Apply to Me and What to Do

housemaid holding a bucket with cleaning products inside

You may have thought the only time you may need to worry about the so-called “Nanny Tax” ( also known as the household employee tax) is if you decide to run for public office and facing a pesky reporter at a political rally. However, it’s a concern everyone needs to take seriously. If you have […]