Vanessa Johnson

Vanessa Johnson

Currently Taking Online

20+ Years of Experience
Bachelor in

Main Street
Certified Tax Advisor

Financial Advisor

1-4 Person Firm

Oklahoma City,



Vanessa Johnson is an Executive Level Commercial Finance Professional with over 20 years of experience. While working in various accounting roles during college, Vanessa obtained her Series 7 securities license with the hope of helping individuals build their investment and retirement portfolios. However, after discovering the limitations of the standard Wall Street investment options, she went on to work in corporate finance at a Fortune 500 company where she worked in strategic planning, investor relations, tax, and audit.

In 2006, Vanessa began working with small to medium size businesses to provide financing while creating financial forecasts, cash flow analysis, identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), and strategic growth models to help companies achieve greater success. During this time, she saw the need that owners had to not only grow their businesses, but to also develop customized plans to address their own unique tax, investment, and succession planning needs as business owners.

Vast Financial Consulting provides a comprehensive approach to business planning by providing advisory services to improve profitability through cost-saving efficiencies, technological improvements, utilizing productive leverage, eliminating unproductive debt, and identifying sound tax strategies. Vast Financial Consulting focuses on designing real world plans with dynamic strategies and establishing a long-term relationship to ensure goals are met to set their clients up for future success.

Vanessa graduated with distinction from the University of Oklahoma with a BBA in Finance and has been featured in the “Women in Commercial Finance” issue of The Secured Lender.


Tax Advising, Financial Services


Real Estate, Manufacturing


Vanessa Johnson


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Vanessa Johnson

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