Tosin Adefila

Currently Taking Online & In-Person Clients

5+ Years of Experience
Master’s in

Main Street
Certified Tax Advisor

Accountant, Bookkeeper, CPA, Real Estate, Tax Preparer

1-4 Person Firm




Since I became a CPA, I’ve learned the importance of understanding the needs and challenges of clients that own service-based businesses and invest in real estate. With my years of experience, I’ve learned strategies along the way to help clients save, defer, and reduce their tax burdens. I enjoy taking the time to explain tax planning and saving opportunities to explore the possibilities with my clients! With so many complexities in the tax code, I feel it is important for me to teach my clients so they can leave each meeting with confidence. My background of knowledge and experience has allowed me to assist students and clients with personal goals such as becoming CPAs, investing, financial coaching, homeownership, tax savings, and more!

Whether it’s teaching clients or students, my passion lies in taking complex topics and making it easier for people to understand. I enjoy working to help others to build a legacy that can ensure a successful future!

Schedule a FREE Discovery call on our website, to go over potential tax savings for your unique situation!


Tax Prep, Tax Advising, Accounting/Bookkeeping, Insurance


Bookkeeping, General Small Business, Real Estate, Rental Property


Tosin Adefila

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