Tanner Bellamy

Currently Taking Online Clients Only

5+ Years of Experience
Bachelor’s in

Main Street
Certified Tax Advisor

Enrolled Agent

1-4 Person Firm

Long Beach,



My story is not that glorious, “claim to fame” story like most others. Mine started in a small cubicle with many other people alongside me, pumping out tax returns by the hundreds. Businesses, individuals, rental properties… it all came my way and I started to realize what did and didn’t work for these taxpayers. So I tried it with my side hustle… it worked. That was my “lightbulb” moment. I realized there was a need among small business owners for tax strategy which drove me to get my Enrolled Agent certification and learn even more.

Today, I have helped hundreds of clients like you save thousands of dollars by optimizing entity structure, identifying additional write offs, and using other advanced tax strategies. I find joy in helping small business owners KEEP more of what you earn every year.

Schedule a call with me today. Let’s get to know each other and see if I may be a good fit as your tax advisor.


Tax Prep, Tax Advising, Accounting/Bookkeeping


Bookkeeping, General Small Business, Real Estate, Rental Property, Uber/Lyft


Tanner Bellamy



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