Stephanie Heredia

Currently Taking Online & In-Person Clients

10+ Years of Experience
Master’s in

Main Street
Certified Tax Advisor


1-4 Person Firm




Taxes Tampa is a boutique accounting firm located in Tampa, FL with over a decade of providing advisory, tax, and accounting services to privately held businesses, individuals, and non-profit organizations throughout the US. We love helping small businesses scale their teams, operations, and most importantly, their profits! We started with a vision of being a very communication-focused firm, keeping in touch with our clients as much as we can to address their ever-growing individual and business needs. Taxes Tampa specializes in Tax Planning & Tax Preparation.

Why do we focus on Tax Planning? If you’ve ever worked with an Accountant you likely had the following experience: The year ends, the holidays pass, your tax forms arrive in the mail and you send them off to your accountant ready to get ahead of tax season! You wait and wait but days (even weeks) go by and you never hear back. The extension deadline passes and they reach out to let you know they extended your return. But why? You gave them your documents months ago!

This is because of 2 things: (1) your accountant is likely understaffed/over-leveraged and has a volume firm with more clients than they know what to with or (2) they have a giant team but they do every little thing from bookkeeping to payroll, so they have deadlines every 30 days therefore your taxes fall to the waist side.

This is why we’re hyper-focusing on tax planning. Because you can find 100 other accountants to prioritize your books and your payroll but for some reason, they always drop the ball on taxes. And it’s because it’s an ancillary part of their business. By focusing our time exclusively on tax planning, we can better serve you, your business, and your wallet! (and we answer your emails!)

Contact us today to meet with a tax planning specialist who can answer all of your burning tax questions!


Tax Prep, Tax Advising


General Small Business, Influencers, International, Manufacturing, Marijuana, Medical/Dentist, Non Profits, Online Sales/Ecommerce, Payroll, Real Estate, Rental Property, Restaurants, Sales Tax, Tax Resolution, Uber/Lyft


Stephanie Heredia


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