Perry Jones

Currently Taking Online & In-Person Clients

1 Years of Experience
Bachelor’s in
Electrical Engineering

Main Street
Certified Tax Advisor

1-4 Person Firm




What is “Your American Dream”? Do you have a roadmap to get you there?
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere else.” ― Berra, Yogi

Throughout my 27-year career in the United States Army, I’ve had the privilege of serving in various leadership roles, from platoon leader to Battalion Commander, honing my skills as both a rotary and fixed-wing aviator. As a Master Army Aviator, I’ve commanded aircraft in both peacetime and combat operations, demonstrating proficiency in course of action development, planning, and resource management. My experience extends to joint assignments with multi-service, non-governmental organizations, and federal and state agencies, where I’ve led teams of up to 300 personnel with a focus on safety, risk management, and standard operating procedures. I’ve proudly served in operations such as Jump Start, Iraqi Freedom, and Desert Shield/Storm, earning accolades including the Bronze Star, Air Medal, and Meritorious Service Medal (3).

Transitioning from military service, I’ve carried forward my leadership ethos and operational expertise into the civilian sector, particularly within the power distribution industry. With a keen understanding of strategic, tactical, and technical client needs, I’ve spearheaded the development of innovative, high-value products, leveraging my inclusive and engaging leadership style to build high-performance, diverse, cross-functional teams. My track record speaks to my ability to align teams across cultures and international organizational levels, fostering collaboration and driving success. With a blend of presence and humility cultivated through diverse career experiences, I remain committed to delivering excellence and driving impactful outcomes in every endeavor I undertake.


Tax Prep, Tax Advising, Accounting/Bookkeeping, Financial Services


General Small Business, Real Estate, Rental Property


Perry Jones


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