Monica Mendez

Currently Taking Online & In-person

15+ Years of Experience
International taxes, Business Tax, Real Estate Taxes

Main Street
Certified Tax Advisor

Enrolled Agent, Tax Preparer, Bookkeeper, Real Estate

1-4 Person Firm




Hello! I’m Monica, an Enrolled Agent with a real estate license, and for 17 years, I’ve been a leading figure in the financial industry.
My journey is not just a professional expedition but a constant quest for a better future for my family and myself.

As a business owner in the realms of tax representation and real estate, I’ve blended technical expertise with an entrepreneurial vision. My mission extends beyond numbers and transactions; it’s the construction of a legacy, a path that paves the way for a bright future for those I love.

Every day, I face challenges with determination because I know that behind each figure, there are family dreams and personal aspirations. My commitment to excellence is not just for the profession but for the deep desire to provide my family with a future full of opportunities and success.

Join me on this entrepreneurial journey, where experience and ambition converge to open doors to a better tomorrow. As an experienced Enrolled Agent and a real estate enthusiast, I’m here not just to handle your financial matters but to be the architect of your financial future.


Tax Prep, Accounting/Bookkeeping, Payroll, Sales Tax Reporting


Bookkeeping, Payroll, Real Estate, Rental Property, Tax Resolution


Monica Mendez


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