David Fiene

Currently Taking Online Clients Only

20+ Years of Experience
Bachelor’s in

Main Street
Certified Tax Advisor

Accountant, Bookkeeper, CPA, Tax Preparer

1-4 Person Firm




With over two decades of experience as a CPA specializing in tax strategy, I empathize with the frustration entrepreneurs often feel when a significant portion of their hard-earned profits is absorbed by taxes annually.

Drawing upon a career dedicated to refining actionable tax solutions, I am committed to empowering small businesses like yours to navigate complex tax landscapes effectively. From my tenure at a leading global CPA firm to roles as a controller and CFO within thriving enterprises, I offer a unique perspective tailored to your specific needs.

My focus extends beyond mere compliance; I strive to craft personalized strategies that not only minimize tax burdens but also channel those savings toward tangible avenues of wealth creation and sustained growth.

As your trusted tax strategist, I am dedicated to collaborating with you to transform tax challenges into opportunities for enduring financial prosperity. Together, let’s embark on this journey, turning tax obstacles into catalysts for your business’s financial freedom.


Tax Prep, Tax Advising, Accounting/Bookkeeping, Payroll


Bookkeeping, General Small Business, Payroll, Real Estate, Rental Property


David Fiene



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