Christoffer Landqvist

Currently Taking Online & In-Person Clients

10+ Years of Experience
Master’s in
Accounting & Business

Main Street
Certified Tax Advisor

Enrolled Agent, Real Estate, Tax Preparer

1-4 Person Firm




Hi there – I’ve been obsessed with helping small and medium-sized business owners optimize growth and utilize the U.S. tax code to limit their overall tax liability for a very long time. My roots are Swedish, where I was born and raised hence why you may find a tiny accent. Sweden is a country with one of the highest tax rates and the most rigid taxation systems globally. This has given me a unique perspective and a steadfast determination to provide my clients with unique and tailored solutions. Drawing from a wellspring of experience and expertise, I’ve successfully guided numerous clients to reach their personal and financial goals.

My main objective is to become your trusted partner in navigating the intricate landscape of taxes. Each journey starts with a deep appreciation and understanding of the challenges faced by individuals and businesses alike. My commitment is to alleviate these burdens by providing educational, transparent, and efficient tax management. In my pursuit of excellence,

I’ve been able to accomplish some remarkable milestones. Through strategic planning and meticulous attention to detail, I’ve saved my clients millions of dollars in taxes… money they previously overpaid the IRS on a yearly basis. This outstanding achievement underscores my commitment to maximizing your financial growth and ensuring that your hard-earned resources are channeled where they matter most. To start your journey of empowerment and financial liberation – book a Strategy Session with me to see how I can best be of service. In this call, we won’t just navigate complexities – we’ll simplify, strategize, and thrive together. Looking forward to speaking with you soon.

Best Regards//Chris


Tax Prep, Tax Advising, Accounting/Bookkeeping, Payroll


Bookkeeping, Cryptocurrency, General Small Business, Influencers, International, Manufacturing, Medical/Dentist, Online Sales/Ecommerce, Real Estate, Rental Property, Restaurants, Tax Resolution


Christoffer Landqvist


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