Bradley Roth

Currently Taking Online & In-Person Clients

3 Years of Experience
Bachelor’s in

Main Street
Certified Tax Advisor

1-4 Person Firm




Hello, I’m Bradley Roth, Tax Advisor and Executive Broker at, where we specialize in helping individuals reduce taxes, hedge inflation, and increase diversification

In my journey into entrepreneurship, I’ve gained diverse experience in the fitness industry, network marketing, door-to-door sales, and real estate. I’ve also successfully run businesses in the digital marketing space, online coaching, and live events.

Those experiences allow me to intimately understand the challenges faced by many intrapreneurs, solopreneurs, and small business owners. They often confront a steep learning curve regarding taxes, with many prioritizing other aspects of their businesses over tax planning and retirement. I’ve been there myself and have met countless others who didn’t know where to start when it came to managing and optimizing taxes outside of the W-2 world.

There is a huge need for clear, practical guidance in this area. That’s why I’m dedicated to sharing the ins and outs that every business owner wishes they were taught. I take pride in offering both tax-saving and wealth-creation strategies that can genuinely change the trajectory of someone’s business.

When you work with me you’re not just getting a Certified Tax Pro; you’re gaining a partner committed to helping you navigate the complexities of the tax landscape. I go beyond the numbers to provide personalized insights and strategies that can make a profound difference in your business.

Get in touch to schedule your free discovery call today.


Tax Advising


Cryptocurrency, Door to Door Sales, General Small Business, Influencers, International, Online Sales/Ecommerce, Rental Property, Uber/Lyft


Bradley Roth

(602) 777-7528

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