Alissa Hollinger

Currently Taking Online & In-person

20+ Years of Experience
Bachelor’s in

Main Street
Certified Tax Advisor

CPA, Enrolled Agent

1-4 Person Firm




As a CPA, taxes were just a job until….I learned about a family whose lives were forever changed because of an overwhelming tax debt situation. Since then, I’ve seen so many ways that taxes impact every aspect of our lives. Over the last 10 years, it’s been my personal mission to learn all that I can to help taxpayers out of nasty tax problems while also helping them to pay the absolute minimum to the IRS.

I am licensed as a CPA and an EA. I am also a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist and a Main Street Certified Tax Advisor. Sometimes, the best way to resolve the old IRS tax debt is to implement tax strategies going forward.

When I’m not trying to stick it to the IRS, I’m off chasing my two little miniature schnauzers!


Tax Prep, Tax Advising, Accounting/Bookkeeping, Payroll, Sales Tax Reporting


Bookkeeping, General Small Business, Payroll, Sales Tax, Tax Resolution


Alissa Hollinger


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