When to Use a Benefit Corporation

when to use a benefit corporation

A Benefit Corporation will need to exemplify various practices and policies that show you are more concerned about benefiting the public through social or environmental causes than simply making profit.

Can I Use A Sole-Proprietorship For Now?

can I use a sole-proprietorship for now?

Please realize that you actually may have a unique situation and there isn’t a one-size fit’s all approach or answer to a every new business situation. You will most certainly have a set of facts that are different from friend’s, mine or anybody else.

Seller Financing and Installment Sales – What are the Tax Implications

seller financing and installment sales - what are the tax implications

With the difficulties that have arisen in the lending market and a typical buyer’s ability to obtain a standard loan, many sellers have decided to “carry their own paper”. For those unfamiliar with such a term, we are talking about Seller Financing where you play ‘bank’ and now you have the precarious reporting requirements with […]

Protecting Yourself From Your Rental

protecting yourself from your rental

I don’t recommend relying upon an entity alone as your sole asset protection strategy. Instead, I recommend a multi-barrier approach that creates as many impediments as possible between you and any would be litigant.