Maximizing Your S-Corp Home Office Tax Deduction: Tips and Tricks
Working from home is no longer a trend—it’s the new normal. Whether you’re running a full-time business, managing a side hustle, or freelancing, the S-Corp home office deduction can be a game-changer for your finances.
5 Hot Tax Deductions for Your Business before Filing in 2022
I truly believe that far too many business owners, CPAs and Tax Preparers are overly conservative and miss out on important expenses that we are entitled to.
How to Invest in Opportunity Zones to Save Taxes
This tax incentive allows investors to reduce taxable gains and possibly obtain tax-free growth if they re-invest capital gains into real estate within designated Opportunity Zones
Hobby or Business? Avoid the Hobby Loss Rules
Like many of us, you’ve probably dreamed of turning your favorite pastime into a regular business. What better way to be passionate about your business and make money at the same time.