Rules for Foreigners Investing in Rental Property in the U.S.

little wooden toy house with a 100 bill inside it and some stacks of coins next to it

The U.S. tax rules that apply to ownership and dispositions of U.S. real estate by foreign persons are different in some important respects from the rules that apply to U.S. persons. Also, property managers are under special rules when managing property for foreign owners, and sellers to foreign investors can be classified as withholding agents (which have important obligations and liabilities associated with the classification).

How Short-Term Rentals are Taxed

pretty households

More and more real estate investors are adding ‘short-term rental’ properties to their portfolios and with a lot of success. However, many still have questions about where to place them in their tax and legal structure.

Practical Checkbook Procedures for your Business to Succeed

practical checkbook procedures for your business to succeed

As we have been working through tax returns for clients this tax season, it’s alarming to see how many clients aren’t maintaining their checkbook properly, or not even having a separate checkbook at all for each of the companies they own and operate.

Using a 10 Year Plan in your Business

All too often I meet with clients that have grand ideas for investing or other business projects for cash flow, but they don’t have a thorough and sensible plan to get there. I have learned time and time again, that a 10-Year Plan is critical to set the path for the business and then build […]

The Perils of Investing with Friends, Family and Church Members

perils of investing with friends family and church members

Every week our firm gets call from clients around the country who have lost money by investing with friends, family or neighbors they trusted—but who were not licensed to sell securities or did not properly document the relationship as a partnership.