Creative Trust Provisions for Your Children

father and child holding a small home model

Many parents and grandparents don’t realize how creative they can be in distributing their assets to their children upon their passing. They think it’s only for rich people and it’s an expensive process with high-powered attorneys. That’s certainly not the case…anybody can control their kids from the grave with unique trust provisions. You’ll love it. […]

Estate Planning for Your Pets

girl with a laptop on her lap and petting her little dog

The Trust creates a structure so that the money is bestowed to the Guardian of your pet in a proper manner with rules and guidelines

Do I Need a Living Trust?- What You Need to Know

old couple talking with a Real State professional

Millions of Americans die each year without any type of estate plan in place, and this forces their families into the court system, where they experience huge expenses with probate and significant time delays when they would rather be mourning.