

August 29, 2023

Virtual LIVE Event

11AM - 3PM Pacific

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Why you NEED to attend this Bootcamp:


The Tax Advisor Bootcamp has been carefully crafted and timed so that tax professionals coming out of tax season can learn strategies to keep their business profitable during the rest of the year!

The bootcamp covers Advisor Tax Strategies to help tax professionals become successful advisors and increase their profitability.

Prepared to Tax Advise

Gain tools, strategies, and confidence to advise your clients

Get ready

Get Ready to Advise

Learn practical strategies to help your clients build wealth and supercharge their tax savings

Learn where to set boundaries to avoid liability in the advice given to clients

Become confident in your tax advising abilities

Filer to Advisor

Learn to convert your existing client base to Advisory Services

Your dream clients

Advisory Clients

This bootcamp will help you:

Market your new Advisory Services to your existing compliance clients

Convert your compliance clients into advisory clients, to increase your profitability

Advising Strategies

Easily learn and apply proven strategies to advise clients effectively.


Advising Strategies

The Trifecta - the best tax mapping and advising tool

How to recommend the proper Business Structure to supercharge tax savings

Other tax-optimized, financial planning strategies


Mark J Kohler, a licensed CPA & Attorney with over 20 years of tax advising experience, will share tools, insights, and practical strategies on Tax Advising. Tax professionals will become even more successful by learning how to tax advise effectively.

Learn more about Mark’s qualifications and successes here.


This Bootcamp is 100% VIRTUAL.

This Bootcamp is NOT A RECORDING! 

Mark will be LIVE Streaming!

Come prepared with questions!


“The Tax Advisor Mindset”, Understanding the Comprehensive Planning Approach

What is an Advisory Practice?

Transitioning to the right Service Mix

Billing Rates and Procedures

Converting Compliance Clients to Advisory Clients

Avoiding Liability in Your Advice

The Difference between Financial and Investment Advice

A “Role Play” of an Advisory Consultation

Examples of cutting-edge “Advisor Strategies” & the Trifecta

Recordings Available

All attendees will get access to the recordings of the event for 30 Days after the event is over. If you miss any part of the event, you will have access to the entire recording!

Free For Current Members

If you are a Main Street Tax Pro Member, you get FREE access to the event. To learn more about becoming a member, CLICK HERE.