Practical Checkbook Procedures for your Business to Succeed

practical checkbook procedures for your business to succeed

As we have been working through tax returns for clients this tax season, it’s alarming to see how many clients aren’t maintaining their checkbook properly, or not even having a separate checkbook at all for each of the companies they own and operate.

How to Self-Direct my IRA or 401k

a couple checking on a chart printed on a paper

You can actually invest in real estate, promissory notes, precious metals, cryptocurrency, small businesses, and concert tickets, or raw land. Your broker may tell you that you can’t do this and it’s prohibited. They’re blatantly wrong.

How a Small Business Saves Taxes and Builds True Wealth

business owner wearing a apron and smiling

I’m not proposing setting up any sort of business to simply lose money for tax write-offs, but to build a business that allows you to make more money, and save taxes by writing things off you wouldn’t otherwise be able to.

1099 Rules for Business Owners in 2024

form 1099

Businesses will now file Form 1099-NEC for each person in the course of the payor’s business to whom they paid at least $600 during the year. This payment would have been for services performed by a person or company who IS NOT the payor’s employee.

Last Minute Tax Strategies Before Filing

person with laptop

There are several HOT deductions that many taxpayers don’t consider and just ‘leave money on the table’. Here are 6 under utilized write-offs that in my opinion should be a healthy line item on any legitimate small business tax return: